You have received from your client an Excel file issued from AlphA All-in-One.

It is ready to use and you have access to main functionalities of AlphA.

Send it back to you client by email so that he will import your quote in his.

Requirements to use AlphA

- On PCs: all version of Microsoft Office from 2007

- On MACs: Microsoft Office 2016 and above

Important : Microsoft Office must be updated with free updates (Excel menu/Help/Search for Updates)


Step 1. Drag the file on our desktop, open it with Excel and activate the macros

Step 2. User Preferences (menu Navig/Preferences)

- Page 1 (General). Choose the option to present technical crew in Latin or Anglo-Saxon mode


- Page 2 (Currencies)

• Step 4.1. Choose your reference currency

• Step 4.2. If necessary, add in the “Other Currencies Available” section, other currencies you may need

  1. Step 4.3. Choose the standard currency (green) for Production Service Costs (normally the same as in step 4.1)

- Page 3 (Mark-up & Handling Fee). Configure as you wish and click OK

Step 3. Go to Preproduction (to navigate in the estimate, use menu Navig or right-click anywhere)

Step 4. Enter estimate (you mail double-click in Qt or Nb columns to enter 1 or erase any figure)

- Nb, Qt and prices in green columns

- Column “Ag” for Agent commission

- Column “SC” for Social Charges (Y for Yes, nothing for No - use double-click)

Step 5. Print a PDF and send by email both the PDF and the Excel File to your client.


Other important tips

- Explanation of key technical terms used in AlphA: menu Tasks/Glossary

- Hide empty rows: menu Tasks/View

- Detailed overtime: menu Tasks/Overtime

- Additive estimates: menu Tasks/Create additives

- Monitor budgets and estimates: menu Navig/List of Created Budgets

- Working budget and actual: menu Tasks/Follow-up Mode

- You may securely erase formulas in most cases and retrieve it by using right-click (cell with a comment)


If you are interested to know more or to use AlphA All-in-One for your other productions either for services or directly with agencies, contact

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